Experience an evening of groundbreaking musical exploration in the intimate setting of a house salon concert with "A Harmonic Odyssey," featuring award-winning saxophonist Valentin Kovalev and internationally acclaimed accordionist Iwo Jedynecki. This unique collaboration marries the expressiveness of the saxophone, championed by Kovalev as a classical instrument, with Jedynecki's virtuosic mastery over the accordion—a blend rarely encountered in classical music. Iwo Jedynecki, a laureate of over thirty international competitions, brings his profound insights into 19th-century music for piano and harmonium, elevating the accordion's status in classical repertoire. Together, they craft an experience that pushes the boundaries of what these instruments can achieve in a classical setting, promising an unforgettable musical experience. Your attendance will not only celebrate this inventive pairing but also contribute to the ever-evolving narrative of classical music.
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